Saturday, 1 August 2015

Seventeen Ideal Cover Liquid Concealer in shade no.5 Review + Swatches

This is going to be a very quick post. I wanted to share with you my thoughts about Seventeen Ideal Cover Concealer in shade no.5.  I got it to use all over my face,but then I found out that it has lots of glitter,which is very noticeable on the sunlight. So now I can't use it in a real life,it looks kinda ok only on the pictures and I have no idea what to do with it .
I tried to capture the glitters,but believe me it looks much more obvious in reality. Even my husband who doesn't know anything about make up,said that I'm full of glitter and shiny like a discoball. Another downfall is that it doesn't even conceal anything,the coverage is very sheer.
I don't recommend this product to anyone,unless you are a really big fan of a glitter.
It cost around 6 JD, and just a total waste of money.

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