Monday, 19 October 2015

Makeup Revolution - Lip Hug in shade Still Missing My Baby

Today I will show you one more product from Makeup Revolution. And it is a Lip Hug lipstick in the shade "Still Missing My Baby". It is a very beautiful dark red shade,but it can be tricky to apply. Perfect shade for a fall/winter season.

Packaging is sleek and simple, black tube with rose gold letters.

 This is how it looks on my lips.
                                                           And the full make up look.

Price: 2.5 British pounds
I bought it from official Makeup Revolution website.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Let's talk about Henna Art. Part 1 (All about the products available in Jordan) Всё что вы хотели знать о продуктах для мехенди доступных в Иордании.

I started with "Henna Art" around a month ago,and then I decided to open my own page on Facebook.  After this people started asking me questions about it. Some of them wanted to learn how to draw,some wanted to get information about the materials I use. And I found out that many of them have wrong information and perspective about it. Henna artists in Amman are simply hiding the information to don't let others to learn and to don't loose the profit. Salons on other hand are lying to customers that they are using "black henna" with no chemicals.
In this article I will reply to one of the most popular question I get about the materials I use to draw.

Я начала рисовать не так давно,где то около месяца назад,а потом решила открыть свою страницу в фейсбуке. В связи с этим я стала получать много вопросов о материалах которые я использую,где их можно приобрести,и как научиться рисовать. И я заметила что у многих какие то неправильные знания о том что такое хна и каких она цветов бывает. Мастера мехенди в Аммане скрытничают и не хотят делится информацией,скорее всего боятся конкуренции. А салоны всем подряд врут что они используют "черную хну,поэтому цвет черный".В этой статье я отвечу на самый популярный вопрос о продуктах которые я использую.

First of all let's make it straight-THERE IS NO BLACK HENNA ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET.
In  Amman you can get black color only with two types of products:

Для начала давайте сразу определимся что ЧЕРНОЙ ХНЫ НЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ. Да да, на всей планете нет черной хны,что бы вам не говорили :)
В Аммане чтобы получить именно черный цвет рисунка есть только два способа о которых расскажу ниже:

Number 1: Black body color. I use the one from India called Golecha.It comes in many colors,even in blue and pink. It will not give you allergy and the color is always strong,BUT it stays only 3-4 days.You can order it online or buy it from shop called Carmen(located on Gardens street).

Первый способ это черная краска для тела. Я использую краску из Индии,называется Golecha производится в разных цветах(даже в голубом и розовом). От нее не будет аллергии и цвет вы сразу получите угольно-черный,но к сожалению она держится 3-4 дня,бывает что больше. Можно заказать онлайн или купить в магазине Кармен на улице Гарденс в Аммане.

Golecha Body Paint

Number 2: Black hair dye (powder type): This is that product which is known as "black henna". There is no even 1% henna in this product,don't be fooled by salons. To use it,you have to mix it with water and a few drops of Meso oil(you can get this from attar). The color stays at least 1 week.

However some salons and artist are mixing it with oxygen. This is so disrespectful and disgusting,because in this case the chances customer will get a huge allergy reaction are much higher( ask to mix the product in front of you)

Talking about allergy,black hair dye can be a cause of allergy because of PPD chemical. I suggest to all my customers to don't use it unless the staying time of design is more important for you than risk of allergy.

Второй вариант. Черная краска для волос в виде порошка,это тот самый продукт который в салонах называют "черной хной". В ней нет ни грамма хны,но производитель этого и не заявляет,там даже на упаковке на английском написано "Черная краска для волос",но все почему то упрямо утверждают что этот БЕЛЫЙ порошок и есть та самая ЧЕРНАЯ хна. Я даже не знаю где тут логика...Использовать ее очень легко,нужно всего лишь развести с водой и несколькими каплями масла Мисо(масло продается у аттара) до нужной вам консистенции. Цвет держится минимум неделю.

НО некоторые недобросовестные салоны разводят краску с окислителем,это такое неуважение и наплевательское отношение к клиенту. Риск аллергии в этом случае будет намного выше(если ваш рисунок стоит от 5 динар и выше просите смешивать при вас краску,от них не убудет если они для вас откроют новую упаковку) 

Кстати об аллергии,от этой краски у малого количества людей может быть аллергия,так как в самом порошке используют аллергенный химикат PPD(он есть во всех красках для волос). Если вам не так важен срок рисунка,то я не советую использовать этот способ и подумать о первом варианте. 

How does the product look like? The most popular brand is Peacock, BUT the quality of color is different depending from the shop purchased. The best one, so far , I found in Jabal Hussein street ,in salon supplies shop.
Как эта краска выглядит? Самая популярная это краска Peacock,НО почему то во всех магазинах она разного качества. Самая лучшая продается на улице Jabal Hussein,в магазине для салонов.
Peacock Hair Dye
Meso Oil

Other popular one is Bigen, I haven't tried it,so I can't give you my personal opinion.
Другая популярная краска это Bigen,но я ей не пользовалась,поэтому ничего про нее сказать не могу.

So we finished with "black henna",now let's talk about the healthiest option and it is real henna paste. Henna stains the skin in various shades of brown and sometimes with a hint of red,but it is never black. Fresh henna paste looks green or brown.

Наконец то мы закончили с так называемой "черной хной",давайте теперь поговорим о самом натуральном способе,и это паста для мехенди из хны. Хна окрашивает кожу во всевозможные оттенки коричневого,иногда с красноватым оттенком,но никогда не окрасит кожу в черный цвет.

After henna is applied and dried out,the color of the design will be orange,and only after 1-2 days it will gradually become darker. ANYTHING THAT GIVES INSTANT STAIN IS NOT NATURAL HENNA.

После того как нанесли хну и она засохла,после снятия вы увидите что рисунок будет оранжевого цвета. В течение 1-2 дней рисунок постепенно потемнеет до коричневого. Всё что сразу же окрашивает кожу,это НЕ НАТУРАЛЬНАЯ ХНА.

You can get the paste in ready to use cones from ebay,or prepare it by yourself,but you still need to order the ingredients from internet.

Можно приобрести готовые конусы с хной на ebay,либо сделать пасту самим,но купить качественные ингредиенты все равно придется в интернете.

I wrote all this just to give an honest reply which you probably will never get from others. Because every time I honestly reply that I use Black hair dye,people get wrong perspective .They think that some  artists are you using hair color and others are using "Natural Black Henna".  No,all the salons and artists of Amman in 99% of cases are using Peacock hair dye. There is nothing else will give you black color and long staying time.

Я написала всё это чтобы дать вам честный ответ,который в большинстве случаев вы не получите. Каждый раз когда я честно говорю что рисую краской для волос,то у людей складывается не правильное мнение,что некоторые рисуют краской,а вот там где то "натуральной черной хной".
Нет,почти в 100% случаев в Иордании везде рисуют черной краской Peacock(кроме тех кто рисует натуральной хной,но она черной не бывает). Потому что ничего другое не даст вам черный цвет и стойкость больше 4 дней.

I hope it was helpful for some of you.
If you have any questions I will be happy to reply.

Надеюсь что эта информация была для вас полезной.
Если у вас есть вопросы,с удовольствием отвечу.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Beautynetkorea Haul No.2

In this post I just want to show what I've bought from Beautynetkorea. It is still my favourite place to shop for korean beauty products. And I love the fact that you get  5-10 % back from your purchase,which you can use later on their website.
This time I decided to buy the stuff that it is very necessary,things that I'm planning to use everyday. 
So I chose a basic skincare kit ( toner + cream), after spot serum( to remove those annoying post-acne scars), BB cream with high SPF for a daytime,high coverage foundation for evening and concealer.
This is the list of all the products I've bought:
1)The SAEm- Harakeke Toner
2)The SAEM- Harakeke Fresh Cream
3) TonyMoly -AC control whitening after spot
4) Etude House- Precious Mineral BB Blooming Fit 
5)Secret Kiss- Cover Up Skin Perfecter
6) Holika Holika- Naked Skin Concealer
Like always Beautynetkorea gave a lot of samples to try.

                                               Reviews on all the products are coming soon.

Makeup Revolution Awesome Felt and Kohl Eyeliner Review + Swatches

I think for 90% of us eyeliner is the trickiest product to use,especially to draw that perfect flicks that we see on the Instagram of beauty bloggers. And most of the girls are choosing felt eyeliners for the ease of use . So today I want to show a 2 in 1 product that does its job very good. It is from a UK brand called Makeup Revolution,and recently I think I became obsessed with this brand. I love every single product I've tried from them.
Basically it is a double-sided pen, with one side being a felt eyeliner and the other one kohl which you can use on the waterline or as the base for a smokey eye make up.

The felt eyeliner is not the best one I tried,but definitely better than the most drugstore brands. It is very precise and it is relatively soft so it will not hurt you like for example Bourjois eyeliner.

Kohl is just an average quality,mostly I use it on the waterline. I have nothing good or bad to say about it.
The lasting time is really good, it doesn't smudge unless you cry or walk under the rain.
Below you can see swatches of the both sides.

The best point of this product is that it is really cheap. I got it for 3.5 British Pounds from official Makeup Revolution website,assuming that most of the drugstore eyeliners start from the price of 10JD,the price is unbeatable and don't forget that you get two products.

                                      I used both sides of the eyeliner to create this look

Seventeen Ideal Cover Liquid Concealer in shade no.5 Review + Swatches

This is going to be a very quick post. I wanted to share with you my thoughts about Seventeen Ideal Cover Concealer in shade no.5.  I got it to use all over my face,but then I found out that it has lots of glitter,which is very noticeable on the sunlight. So now I can't use it in a real life,it looks kinda ok only on the pictures and I have no idea what to do with it .
I tried to capture the glitters,but believe me it looks much more obvious in reality. Even my husband who doesn't know anything about make up,said that I'm full of glitter and shiny like a discoball. Another downfall is that it doesn't even conceal anything,the coverage is very sheer.
I don't recommend this product to anyone,unless you are a really big fan of a glitter.
It cost around 6 JD, and just a total waste of money.

Seventeen Matte Lipstick No.9 Review + Swatches

Today I am going to review a lipstick from a brand called Seventeen. I think this brand is really underrated ,because it has a lot of products that work just great. But they are quite famous for their matte lipstick, that's why it was the first thing I purchased from them. I chose the shade No.9 as I wanted something that I could wear everyday, and it was a perfect choice for me.

The packaging is very simple,but sturdy. But if you are a fan of a fancy packaging,then you are not going to like it at all,it looks really cheap.  
It is a very difficult to describe color,on the swatch it looks more brown,but on my lips it looks more pink.  The big plus is that it is completely matte,and if you are on the budget it is the best matte lipstick you can get.  

My lips weren't in the best shape when I've decided to take these pictures,but as you can see it looks pretty decent.


And this is the final look.
I like to wear this lipstick with nude eyeshadows and to keep it all simple. 

The lipstick costs around 7 JD and you can purchase it in most of the make up shops in Amman,but i prefer to buy my Seventeen products from VaVaVoom.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

The Face Shop Haul

        I hope you are doing well.
     Today I want to show my last haul from the Faceshop. Faceshop is my only option to get Korean make up and skincare without ordering it online.In Amman we have two stores:in Mecca mall and Taj mall. Prices are 30% higher than in Korea,but they are still reasonable compare to other brands offered in Jordan.
     Ok,lets move on to the haul. I like Faceshop's skincare and cleansing items more than their make up line,so in my last trip there I ended up buying few creams and 2 cleansing products

1. Mango Seed Eye Cream- nothing special, I wouldn't recommend it.
2. Mango Seed Emulsion- same as eye cream does nothing at all.
3. Arsainte Extreme Moisture Essential Cream - perfect moisturiser for everyday usage, I love it.
4. Spot Clear Patch - does nothing,waste of money
5. White Jewel Peeling- good peeling,does its job.
6. Herb Day Cleansing  Foam ( Mung Bean)- this is my third bottle, good for its price.

For my purchase I got few samples,that you can see on the corner of the image. Overall I like Faceshop in Amman and their salesgirls are really sweet and helpful , I will certainly come back there.